Major Softwares


  1. 簡介
  2. Java, Android和LibGDX好書推介
  3. Java, Android和LibGDX要學的知識
  4. 用Windows寫Java程式
  5. 用Eclipse寫Java程式
  6. 用Eclipse寫Android程式
  7. 用Eclipse寫LibGDX程式
  8. Standard Java Naming Conventions
  9. System.out.println()的用法和意思
  10. Where is main() method in Android?

LibGDX - Splash & Menu Screen

  1. LibGDX: World, Texture, Background, Camera, Viewport, Screen & OpenGL
  2. LibGDX: Texture, TextureRegion, SpriteBatch & Sprite
  3. UML(Unified Modeling Language): Class Diagram
  4. Type Casting, Upcasting & Downcasting
  5. @Override的用法和意思
  6. LibGDX: Scene2d & Graphical User Interface(GUI)
  7. LibGDX: Splash Screen
  8. LibGDX: Texture Packer
  9. LibGDX: BitmapFonts, JSON & Skin
  10. Android: File
  11. Android: onClick事件的5種實現方式
  12. LibGDX: Game Menu Screen
  13. LibGDX: Advanced Game Menu Screen (using Abstract Screen)
  14. LibGDX: Disposable Interface
  15. Java & LibGDX: super keyword
  16. LibGDX: Advanced Game Menu Screen (using AssetManager)
  17. Java: Array, Arrays, List, ArrayList & LibGDX: Array
  18. LibGDX: File I/O (Preferences)
  19. LibGDX: Game Level Selection Screen
  20. LibGDX: Advanced Game Level Selection Screen (using AssetManager)

LibGDX - Tiled 2D Platform Game

  1. LibGDX: Lifecylce (Render() Method)
  2. LibGDX: Delta Time
  3. LibGDX: Animation & Spritesheet
  4. LibGDX: Keyboard, Mouse & Touch Screen Control
  5. Input Control (Polling VS Event Driven Input)
  6. LibGDX: Tiled (Background and Foreground)
  7. LibGDX: Jumping Action
  8. LibGDX: Tiled (Collision Detection)
  9. LibGDX: Tiled (Bullet Class)
  10. LibGDX: Audio (Sound & Music)
  11. LibGDX: Tiled (Scrollable Background with Camera & HUD)
  12. LibGDX: WorldController & WorldRenderer Class

LibGDX/Java - Card Game No.1 - Blackjack

  1. LibGDX: Install & Setup Android Studio IDE
  2. LibGDX: Use Android Studio to Run Java Hello World
  3. LibGDX: Use Android Studio to Run LibGDX Hello World
  4. Adobe Illustrator: Basic Components Part 1
  5. Adobe Illustrator: Basic Components Part 2
  6. Adobe Illustrator: BlackJack Table & Cards
  7. LibGDX: Blackjack Animation
  8. LibGDX: Interpolation
  9. Java: toString() Method
  10. Java: Blackjack Shuffle Methods
  11. LibGDX: Blackjack Shuffle Method
  12. Java: Blackjack Card Game

LibGDX - Others

  1. Making and Displaying App Icon
  2. LibGDX: Displaying Traditional and Simplified Chinese Characters
  3. LibGDX: Handling Different Screen Resolutions

Unity Game Engine & C#

  1. Visual Studio: C# Hello World
  2. Unity: C# Hello World
  3. Unity: Handling Different Screen Resolutions
  4. Unity: Life Cycle
  5. Unity: StartCoroutine, StopCoroutine, IEnumerator & Yield
  6. Unity: Splash Screen
  7. Unity: Fonts, Traditional and Simplified Chinese Characters
  8. Unity: GameObject, Class Object, new & Instantiate
  9. Unity: Start Screen with Glowing Animated Button
  10. Unity: C# Get & Set Modifier
  11. Unity: Delegates & Events
  12. Unity: File I/O, Read & Write Text File & PlayerPrefs
  13. Unity: Game Level Selection Screen
  14. Unity: Game Menu Screen & ScreenManager
  15. Unity: Encrypt and Decrypt Text File
  16. Unity: Options Menu Screen
  17. Unity: Convert Numbers Image to Custom Font

Unity - Card Game No.1 - Blackjack

  1. Unity: Blackjack Card Game - Part 1 (Full Game)
  2. Unity: Blackjack Card Game - Part 2
  3. Unity: Blackjack Card Game - Part 3
  4. Unity: Blackjack Card Game - Part 4
  5. Unity: Blackjack Card Game - Part 5
  6. Unity: Blackjack Card Game - Part 6
  7. Unity: Blackjack Card Game - Part 7

以下是預告-Coming soon!

Secret Weapon No.1

  1. Unity: Card Game No.2

Advanced Programming

  1. Unity: GPS Programming
  2. Unity: User Login System
  3. Unity: Augmented Reality (AR)

Secret Weapon No.2

  1. Unity: GPS & AR Application

第9節 - System.out.println()的用法和意思

這一節我會介紹一個Java的基本敘述(Statement) System.out.println(),這個敘述看似很簡單,但是其實背後是有很多學問。

我在第5節 - 用Eclipse寫Java程式示範過用System.out.println(),它主要用來把文字顯示在螢幕上。

例如: System.out.println("Hello, World!!");

Hello, World!!就會顯示在螢幕上。

System.out.println();的最好解釋(Best Description)


  1. This statement invokes the printlin() method of an object of the PrintStream class which is referred to (pointed to) by the variable named "out" which is a class variable of the "System"class.

  2. Out是java.lang.System的一個靜態欄位(類別變數),其型別為PrintStream類別,因此,println()是PrintStream類別的一個方法,System.out代表的是標準輸出,通常指的是螢幕。Println()之意為print與line,代表印出文字 並且換行。

  3. System is a final class in java.lang package. out is a static member field of System class and is of type PrintStream. Finally, println() is a method of PrintStream class.

  4. For a Class Field, we can either declare a Variable by Data Type or declare a Variable to Refer to an Object:

    i) Declare a variable by data type, you can wirte:

    e.g. int a=8;

    This notifies the compiler that you will use "a" to refer to data whose type is "int". With a primitive variable, this declaration also reserves the proper amount of memory for the variable.

    ii) You can also declare a reference variable:

    e.g. Point originOne;

    This uses Class "Point" to create a reference "originOne".

  5. When and where is the “out” instantiated in System.out.println()?

    When the JVM is initialized, the method initializeSystemClass() is called that does exactly what it's name says – it initializes the System class and sets the out variable. TheinitializeSystemClass() method actually calls another method to set the out variable – this method is called setOut().

System.out.println() 1

用Standard Java Naming Conventions去解釋System.out.println()

我在第8節 - Standard Java Naming Conventions解釋過,最主要原因是當大家用同一種方法(Standardization)去命名Java, Android和LibGDX時,當你學習其他人的程式編寫時,單單看程式碼,你就可以大約知道那一個是Class, Abstract, Interface, Variable, Method, Constant或Package,如下圖:

Standard Java Naming Conventions







看完以上其他人的解釋和用Standard Java Naming Conventions去解釋System.out.println()後,想信大家會對System.out.println()有了初步了解,以下部分我會加以解釋:

首先System是一個Class,所以它是儲存在System.java檔案內,只要大家在Google Search "Java",很容易就可以找到以下System.java的內容。


1-System 是一個Class。

2-System 是放在java.lang.System內。

3-System 是一個final class,如果一個Class定義為final,就代表這個Class不能被其他Class繼承(extends)。

4-System 的Field內,大家可以看到static PrintStream out;。

i) out是System的類別變數(Class variable),意思是大家可以用System.out而不可以用物件變數(Instance variable) e.g. system.out 是不可以的!

注意,我們假設Class"System"的物件是"system",大寫是Class; 小寫是Instance。

ii) Variable out也是PrintStream type。大家可以看到PrintStream是一個Class,所以它是儲存在PrintStream.java檔案內,只要大家在Google Search "Java",很容易就可以找到以下PrintStream.java的內容。




3-PrintStream的Method內,大家可以看到void println(); 今次大家可以看到println() Method沒有static println(),這代表println()是一個物件方法(Instance method),意思是大家可以用out.println()而不可以用類別方法(Class method) e.g. PrintStream.println() 是不可以的!。

注意,這次我們不須假設,Class "PrintStream"的物件真的是"out",大寫是Class; 小寫是Instance。

最後,把System的Static variable "System.out"和PrintStram的Instance Method" out.println()"合併,便變成System.out.println()






2-在main() method內執行System1.out1.println1();。

3, 4和5-我們寫一個System1的Class模擬System Class。

再寫一個PrintStream1的Class模擬PrintStream Class。


注意static PrintStream1 out1=new PrintStream1()這一行; 這一行我們多了=new PrintStream1(); 這部分。因為out1只是PrintStream1的一個reference,PrintStream1的物件(instance)還沒有產生,必須用new去產生,所以就要建立PrintStream1的Constructor。

最後你可能會問為甚麼System內的PrintStream()只有static PrintStream() out;而沒有=new PrintStream();這部分,我在開始時介紹過以下的解釋:

5-When and where is the “out” instantiated in System.out.println()?

When the JVM is initialized, the method initializeSystemClass() is called that does exactly what it's name says – it initializes the System class and sets the out variable. TheinitializeSystemClass() method actually calls another method to set the out variable – this method is called setOut().

這是因為System Class (內有其他Method initializeSystemClass(),再呼叫另一個Method setOut()去產生一個物件(Instance)給out,所以不須要用new去產生一個物件。
